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Entries in E3 (16)


Sony Press Event

[Sony Press Conf 5:15] Sony Press Conference is running late, hope they didn't get hacked ;), but I am now free to bring you the full thing

[Sony Press Conf 5:17] Here goes, and here's betting the PS Vita clocks in at $350 or less

[Sony Press Conf 5:18] Sony, master of the montage. Since Bethesda doesn't have a presser, here's hoping for some Skyrim demo

[Sony Press Conf 5:21] Jack Tretton wins the prize by bringing up the the controversy and eating some serious crow. Well done Jack.

[Sony Press Conf 5:24] Agreement with all my fellow bloggers/tweeters, Jack did a bang-up job with his apology and moving right along

[Sony Press Conf 5:27] Kick-ass, straight into Drakes Deception, but we seem to have some audio issues??.. doh ><

[Sony Press Conf 5:28] Drake sneaking around on a giant cruise ship being tossed about in a stormy sea. I'm getting sea-sick just watching.

[Sony Press Conf 5:31] A hole has been ripped into the ship and now the entire level is filling with sea-water, and then tips over... epic

[Sony Press Conf 5:32] Drake now crawling through a sideways ship as the environment falls apart and fills with water. cinematic = check

[Sony Press Conf 5:34] Get early access to multi-player by eating at Subway...? Like, the entire multiplayer, not a beta. Cuh-razy

[Sony Press Conf 5:36] Uncharted 3 will be one of the best movies/games of the year. Jack: "We will sell a few copies of that bad boy" LOLz

[Sony Press Conf 5:37] Insomniac out with Resistance 3. A franchise I have never played but would love to have a reason to...

[Sony Press Conf 5:38] Cool looking weapon created something like an artificial singularity, taking out baddies and swirling them around

[Sony Press Conf 5:40] This game looks more and more like Killzone, and I'm still not really sure why I should play it over, say GOW3

[Sony Press Conf 5:42] Woooo, this September we get God of War & Ico/Shadow collections. Finally!

[Sony Press Conf 5:43] 2 new 3D hardware products?!? A 24" 3D display, a cheap entry level way to get college kids into 3D.

[Sony Press Conf 5:45] Woah, 2 people can see 2 different screens using the same TV, that's pretty damn cool.

[Sony Press Conf 5:46] Oh, right, Playstation did that whole "Move" thing. Will we see the same sort of Kinect-karpet-bomb? (doubt it)

[Sony Press Conf 5:47] NBA On-the-move a sort of low barrier of entry basketball game, use the point to pick who to pass to

[Sony Press Conf 5:49] Kobe Bryant being paraded out, haha. No Kobe, nobody likes like the Lakers anymore. Kobe losing virtual @ BBall

[Sony Press Conf 5:50] Kobe, actually not the worst celebrity brought out on stage for a press conference. Who woulda guessed?

[Sony Press Conf 5:52] You know, just because it's called "Move" doesn't mean you need to include "Move" in the games title. Rly people.

[Sony Press Conf 5:54] All these move game actually look pretty slick gameplay-wise, just not slick enough to through $200 at.

[Sony Press Conf 5:55] I'd really love to see the mechanics of Move with the gameplay & environment of Zelda.

[Sony Press Conf 5:58] Infamous 2, actually kind of excited for this game (loved the original). Will probably pick it up tomorrow.

[Sony Press Conf 6:00] Move update for LBP2. Not sure I care about playing old games with new controls. I'm way done with LBP2.

[Sony Press Conf 6:01] StarHawk. It's WarHawk...In SPAAAACE!!!! Some gameplay would be nice...

[Sony Press Conf 6:03] Dude, epic, a new Sly Cooper. Luvs me some awesome cartoon-y platformers. And 1st party exclusive for PS

[Sony Press Conf 6:05] EVE creators adding a FPS called DUST which links with the EVE MMORPG on the PC. Does that mean I need to play EVE?

[Sony Press Conf 6:08] The idea of adding an FPS to a super huge, super boring sci-fi RPG is really cool, I just don't want to play the RPG.

[Sony Press Conf 6:09] New gameplay trailer for Biohshock-Infinite. Holy awesome-sauce, that game looks insane.

[Sony Press Conf 6:11] Hey Ken Levine out to eat-crow about motion control like Gabe Newell did about PS3 last year? A new Sony tradition?

[Sony Press Conf 6:13] Ken Levine announcing a secret Bioshock for NGP/PSVita?!? Also trying to sell that Move can work for Bioshock.

[Sony Press Conf 6:14] Ken Levine needs to be the guy they use to explain every new concept for video games.

[Sony Press Conf 6:15] A Star Trek game for Playstation/Xbox, exclusive Playstation DLC "prequel game." Don't really trust Paramount...

[Sony Press Conf 6:18] PlayStation announcing some EA exclusives, levels for SSX, cars for NFS:The Run, Battlefield 3 + 1943 for free

[Sony Press Conf 6:20] It's Kaz Hirai. Kaaaazzz Hiraaaaaiiiii.

[Sony Press Conf 6:22] Playstation Suite. Another attempt by Sony to have a single connected network, or a way to help us forget PSN?...

[Sony Press Conf 6:24] Playstation Vita name confirmed. Poorly kept secret was poorly kept.

[Sony Press Conf 6:25] AT&T will have exclusive access as 3G carrier. Laughs from the crowd for "Nations Fastest Broadband Network" :)

[Sony Press Conf 6:27] Yes Kaz, show us the damn games!

[Sony Press Conf 6:28] Uncharted Golden Abyss official title for PSVita game. Not a game by Naughty Dog, however... eeekk

[Sony Press Conf 6:30] Pretty awesome, use dual analog sticks for moving around & shooting, then game turns into Infinite Blade for melee

[Sony Press Conf 6:31] Neat idea of "painting edges" for traversing climbing sections. Could do that on iPad, but not the dual analogs

[Sony Press Conf 6:33] Uncharted looks good, but I'm not sure it will sell me on what I'm sure will be a huge price of entry.

[Sony Press Conf 6:35] Cool that you can finally play a game on a console, pause, and pick it up on a handheld. YES, finally!

[Sony Press Conf 6:38] Well, at least you can do that for some games, probably not big AAA titles. But I'd take what I can get.

[Sony Press Conf 6:39] Ruin & Modnation Racers first to have the exact same game on PS3 as on Vita. I'd LOVE this for PixelJunk Shooter!!!!!

[Sony Press Conf 6:44] Dude, Wipeout on Vita & PS3 with cross platform multiplayer play. Nice!

[Sony Press Conf 6:46] Brand new LBP with touch & motion support. Actually kind of awesome.

[Sony Press Conf 6:47] As cool as the Vita is looking, I'm kind of dreading the inevitable price bomb...

[Sony Press Conf 6:50] Street Fighter X Tekken also running for PS3 & Vita. Including Cole from Infamous. I'm not a fighter person, so...

[Sony Press Conf 6:52] So, Twisted Metal...?

[Sony Press Conf 6:53] "In case you had completely zoned out, here's another montage of everything we just talked about."

[Sony Press Conf 6:56] Available this holiday for.........................$250 Wifi-only (wowzers) & 3G for $300

[Sony Press Conf 6:58] Haha, Jack poking fun of Kaz for Ridge Racer :)

[Sony Press Conf 7:00] Great presser for Sony, awesome exclusives, PSVita with full PS3 games, cloud saves & play, and for reasonable price

[Sony Press Conf 7:01] Ok, this concert thing is getting weird. Gonna sign off and get some sleep for the EARLY EARLY 7:30 Nintendo conf